Thursday, October 27, 2011

IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!

Here is my monster cake for the cake walk in our community fall festival tonight. The chocolate frosting was a little harder to work with than I initially thought it would be but all in all came out pretty good.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Muncha Muncha

Were you aware that October is National Cookie Month!!! I can't believe I was unaware of this before now!! What a bummer!! The final week of October is coming to a close and so is my first month of working at the elementary school. I have enjoyed getting to know the kids in our class and learn how to interact with each of them. It has truly been an absolute joy to be back working in the school.

With the close of October coming around I am doing my best to learn how to balance the day to day life of working and getting things done at home in addition to working out. I will admit I now completely admire all mothers out there, especially ones that work and then come home to take care of their home and family. I guess it is something you learn along the way but I am still struggling keeping everything in order. I will get there.

Also with the close of October comes all the fun fall activities. Friday evening our community is having a fall festival complete with carnival games. There will also be a cake walk in which I am making a Frankenstein worries pictures will be posted!! Friday night is also the night of the haunted house in our neighboring army community that my husband is dying to go to. I certainly hope it is worth the while. Saturday Jonathan will be competing in a fitness test where he can earn a special badge while I help decorate for our company fall party on Sunday. I am also making sweets and treats for that party so lots of food pictures coming your way next week.

For now, my kitchen is in desperate need of cleaning and seeing as how my hubby just left for work that gives me about a hour to clean the kitchen, dry my hair, take Cash on a quick walk, and get ready for bed! I go!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I am one happy blogger today!! Thankful Thursday goes out to my wonderful husband who I am thankful will be home tomorrow!!!! It feels like it has been much longer than three weeks!! I was telling him the other day it seems crazy to think I did this for a whole year! It was much easier when I was surrounded by family and friends. Cash and I are ready for daddy to be home!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Evaluation Day!!

Tomorrow is "Evaluate Your Life Day." I figured it had been a while since I highlighted a random holiday and this might be a good one to touch on. I know, I getting ahead of myself since this day is actually tomorrow but I wanted to let you know so that as your day goes by tomorrow you can evaluate the things in your life that are important and what means the most.

I have recently started a new job, as some of you already know. Teaching is a great joy for me and I missed it when I could not get a job upon arriving here last year. It is still tough with schools and bases closing here in Germany. So I did the only thing I knew to do, I tried to find a way to get back into the school somehow. I took a job as a teacher's aide in a kindergarten classroom. It is definitely challenging at times not being able to do my own thing and challenge the kids in ways I would like to but it has also been a learning experience thus far that I know will make me a better teacher in the end. So in evaluating that part of my life- I am so glad I have the opportunity to get back to what I love doing, even if it is a smaller way than I am used to.

A picture, bad one, of the school I work at.
In evaluating my life, I am also force to look at my role as a wife to my husband the past two years. Now granted, the first year my role took place from a distance but that does not mean that is was any less important. My husband is an amazing man who does everything he can to make my life better and more meaningful and I am so appreciative of all he has done for me. He truly makes me want to be a better person. I love doing my best to take care of him by cooking his favorite foods and trying new things. I enjoy challenging myself to be better and knowing how appreciative he is in response to that. I know I have a lot to learn as a wife and will fall short on numerous occasions but I am seriously giddy that I get to learn it all with this man by my side.
His current profile picture!
The final and most important part of our lives we all need to evaluate is how well we are letting the light of God shine in our lives. As I am aware of my short comings as a wife, I need to also be aware of my short comings as a Christian, as a disciple of Christ. There will always be more to learn and better ways to show His love. I pray that as the days go on that I will improve on this aspect of my life more than any other because I know if I am improving in this area of my life, the rest will fall into place as well. 

So on eval day:
   Show me ways in my everyday life where I can shine brighter for you. Guide me to people who are in need of your love and give me the strength to show that love- no matter what the circumstances may be. Help me to always be aware of my weakness so that I may call upon you for strength. Place in my heart the burning desire to know and love you more so that I may truly be a brighter light for you wherever you take me. Thank you for allowing me to be your child and for your never ending mercy and grace when I fall short.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Masking Monday

So, since starting my job I have been neglectful of my blogging- sorry! Normally, this wouldn't be as big of a deal but I have been trying to get little jobs and big jobs done while Jonathan is gone. My last few blog post have been M&M's on Mondays; Marvelous Monday and Manic Monday. So I thought I would follow suit today by calling this week's Monday Masking Monday. Monday I was off work for Columbus Day so I chose this day to tackle my largest project of this time with Jonathan gone. Monday I taped off the bedroom, hence "Masking Monday," as in masking tape! I tapped off the bedroom and painted the walls gray. We are working towards a white, gray, and green color pallet in the bedroom. So the walls got a gray color treatment and I must admit I already wish I would have done it earlier. I do not have my finished product pictures yet and wouldn't put them up even if I did but I thought I would show you what I had before. Warning: there was not a lot of tidying done before these pictures were taken so excuse the messiness.
Mixing my paint...

Before view from the doorway.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sleeping with two eyes open

Wow am I tired. I have been trying to get used to getting up early in the morning again. It has been kicking my butt so far!! I went to bed around 10 something last night on a Friday!! Old ladyish I know! Then on the first chance I get to sleep in since last Monday I was wide awake at 6:50!!! UGH!! I have to stay up late to watch the GA game tonight too!! It should be an interesting night.

My first week at school has been okay but very interesting. The teacher I am working with has been sick a lot this week and was only there one day the whole week, which made things interesting to say the least. I have enjoyed getting to know the kids through my own eyes though rather than having her tell me about them first. It is always fun to learn the little quirks each one has and get a glimpse at how some of them have been raised. I had one sweet lil one tell me about how lovely her school was one day. She was so genuine and sincere and it was so sweet to hear a little one talk that way. I have been staying pretty busy though even after school since Jonathan is gone. I went and got paint that will eventually go in our bedroom- hopefully next week! I managed to get my pumpkins painted but didn't get a picture before a lil one that belongs to a friend thought they were balls and threw them all- haha. Good thing they were only 75 cents at the Commissary. Cash even went after one of the ones she threw and got himself a few bites of pumpkin! :) I attempted to hang some shelves I recently got but thus far have been unsuccessful with that!

I spent some time with one of my newer friends, Evelyn, who lives in Heidelberg last night and today. I enjoyed spending time with her as always. Cash and I have been spending time with each other today since I have not been home as much as he is used to and since he is missing his daddy just like me! He is so sweet, he is used to Jon getting home late in the night so he gets all excited when he hears a car door shut in the parking lot. Just now he was cuddled up in my jacket with me on the couch and fell off, a few minutes later I looked down and saw this:
He is stuck inside my jacket sleeve! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Manic Monday

So last week was Marvelous Monday, this Monday was a wee bit manic! First of all Jonathan left this morning in addition to it being my first day at work, where the teacher I am working with was not there! Haha! So in all fairness Jonathan and I TRIED to go to bed early. We were laying in bed with every intention of going to sleep by 9:30...well neither of us were the least bit tired and we layed there for a while before putting a movie on and falling asleep around 11. Haha! Well anyhow, I got up around 6 to shower and get ready and we both left the house around 7 to get Jonathan up to work where he was leaving from. I drove back to the house and walked to work.

It was definitely interesting to spend my first day aiding a sub who didn't really know what to do either! The kids were probably a little more hyper and talkative than usual but they are a pretty good group of kids. Tomorrow should be a little more low key! For now, I am going to go work out, eat dinner, and hopefully paint my pumpkin! :) Happy Manic Monday!