Monday, February 17, 2014


So, I haven't been much in the mood for blogging lately. Life has just gotten so much busier and I frankly haven't had much to say but I know that I will look back and regret not having these memories to look back on about when Ian was this little and all the changes so I need to get back into it. So, with that being said I need to catch up on some updating and pictures!
My little turkey on Thanksgiving crawling around and getting into everything he can!

Celebrating Christmas with big cousins Jack and Sam! We took several pictures in order to get this one!

It didn't take him long to learn what to do with his walker from mema and pop!

It was such a treat to watch him on his first Christmas!

Those eyes just get me every time!

He is growing up so fast!

Enjoying a ride in his wagon!

In one more day I will have to take another with 11 on it! I can't believe how much time has flown by!

He just melts my heart!

The best valentine I have ever had!

Ian has grown so much and it seems he changes everyday. He is still one of the happiest babies. He is opinionated and his little personality comes out more and more each day! He wants to be eating whatever you are eating but with his top teeth just now starting to break through, he can't always do that. So he doesn't always like it when you give him something else! Some of his favorite table foods are mashed potatoes, quesadilla, and bread. He likes eating noodles too so macaroni and cheese are a good choice. He has even sampled his first taste of BBQ, shredded of course!

He is a quick little crawler and gets where he wants to pretty fast. I don't know if he will walk before his birthday or not. He walks with his walker a lot and he loves walking around the table holding on or the sofa. He is just now getting to where he will let go and stand for a while. He can stand for a good little while and usually ends up deciding to sit down rather than falling down. So he has pretty good control. So even if he doesn't walk before one, I have a feeling it won't be long after. I am not rushing him! :) I already have to follow him around!

He loves to babble and loves to try to say words but some sounds he still has yet to really say. He doesn't say a whole lot that sounds like much of anything. When he says, "mama" it sounds more like "nana" because he likes the n sound better. He says hey sometimes but not a lot. He says his d sound when trying to say "dog" Mainly I just love to listen to him babble and how serious he looks sometimes that he really means what he is saying and you should be listening intently! He makes my life so much better and I love and hate all at the same time that I am already planning his first birthday party! It makes me so sad that he is growing up so fast!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to see you posting! :) I love the pictures.
