Well, once again it has been a while. So sorry. Well not a whole lot has happened. I have been trying to spend more of me weekends with family since volleyball ended. We had our volleyball banquet last night and it was great to see everybody again. I love all those girls and I am going to miss them so much next year. Well I will once again be busy in the Spring because I will be coaching the tennis team at the high school. It should be a lot of fun but I am really rusty so I better start working that out. lol.
Jonathan has started night shifts now. He works from 6pm-6am so most of the time I don't get to talk to him on the days that he has to work. I still get to talk to him on his days off, so not too bad. He makes it easier on me by making sure the times we do have to talk he reminds me how much he loves me and I get to see more and more why I love this man God sent to me.
My students are still keeping me on my toes. They are amazing kids, all in their own ways- even if they do drive me nuts sometimes. I am still trying to figure out how to reach a few and praying that God will show me how.
I am getting more and more excited about Christmas break coming up because it is looking like I will be spending it in Cuba and that makes it way easier right now to think I only have one more month before I get to see him and spend Christmas and New Years with him. I am sad that we won't be toether for Thanksgiving but I know I have a lot of awesome family to spend that time with as well. I am super excited!!!
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago