Well, let's start off with the good news first- I got my contract renewed! SO YAY FOR THAT! I still have no idea what grade or really what school in our county I will be teaching but at least I know I have a job! That is more than enough right now!
On a lesser exciting note this week was SOOOO forever long! I finally got my first week done without Jonathan. I haven't talked to him since last Saturday when I talked to him for 6 min and 53 sec. Exciting huh? I know right! It was definitely the shortest 7 minutes of my life! I miss talking to him so crazy much. This whole thing would not be as difficult as it is if I got to talk to him at least! I am sorry, I think that is just crazy that you can only call people like once a week and apparently only get like an hour! RIDICULOUS! I have already made a mental note to talk to his drill sargent that this is just not going to cut it! ;) If only it were that easy! Anyhow, hopefully I will get to talk to him this weekend and that will get me through another week.
Well anyhow, this is the first weekend I intend to spend at my apartment in a looong time. I need to do some cleaning so badly it is sad! I am trying to get rid of some clothes I know I never wear or don't even like anymore. My mom got me a new comforter set for my birthday last weekend and I LOVE it, it looks great! I have to load the pictures and everything. Well, that is about it for now. Just keep praying for me while Jonathan is gone!
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago