I know there are a lot of people out there who despise Monday, because for a lot of us that means back to the grind of work. My sister probably despise Mondays because that means she typically has the boys all day with a short relief period from her hubby before he goes in to work a night shift, followed by working again the next morning. I will allow her to hate Mondays if she wants- even though I don't think she really does. The rest of us should give poor Monday a break! It is not fair to be hated simply because it means back to work. So- I tried to think of a way to rectify this situation and here is my thought!
It is now my personal goal to blog each Monday and only blog about marvelous things that happened on that Monday! If I am not able to change anyone else's view on Monday- so be it, but at least it will remind me to look for the positive things to start off my week.
I will preface my marvelous thing for today with a brief explanation of why it is marvelous. I mentioned in my last post that blogging more often was not my new year's resolution. I shamefully try to stay away from new year's resolutions because everyone, including myself, usually fails to meet them. I did make a dangerously common resolution this year...to take better care of my body. I know that could mean a lot of things but I mainly want to look and feel better about myself in general. When we got here to Germany I was not near as active as I used to be so I gained a little weight. When I got sick last year, the medicine made me gain even more weight :( I found it very unfair that I put on weight because I was taking medicine to make me better! How rude of that darn medicine. Anyhow, I have been telling myself, in a very non-committal tone, that I was going to work it off even if it wasn't my fault it was there. I have tried with only one short burst of success a few months ago when I had a workout buddy. My workout buddy moved and my motivation slacked.
So I know it is so the typical thing to promise to lose weight for new year's but I truly want to do so, or at least get in the habit of working out and taking better care of my body so that I can feel good about myself. So, that leads me to why today was a marvelous Monday. Today was the first Monday of the new year I have gone to the gym and worked out. I came home and did some at home workouts here and then joined Jon at the gym to finish up on the treadmill and doing some free weights while he played basketball. I have to hold onto this feeling because whenever I feel too tired to go I have to remember that exercising will only make me stronger and make me feel better. So here is to Monday and the marvelous workout I got in today!!
This is for my aforementioned sister, my hubby's red velvet birthday cake I made for him.
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
1 day ago
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