Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall Frenzy

Ok so I am a whole week behind. I do so great at this and then I hit a slump! :( Anyhow, to make up for it, check out the super cute craft my little booger did yesterday! He had a little help of course but I am so proud of his first official craft project and now know why moms become hoarders because seriously, how do you ever decide what to keep and what to throw away. I think his first ever craft project is a keeper for sure!!

 It is starting to feel a lot like fall around here and that means there is a great reason to wear our cool weather Ga gear. Even though injury after injury has plagued our bulldawgs and made it very clear that this year is not the year for us...we still wear red and black!

Every time I turn around my little baby becomes more like a little boy. His hair is getting longer and longer and it makes him look older. Pretty soon I will have to snip the hair over the ears so he doesn't look too homely, because you know that would happen!! ;)

He is still an early riser and is still ready to go from the moment he wakes up. His mom is a different story. I have never been a morning person, nor do I wake up breathing fire. I always considered myself a healthy balance between those super annoying chipper morning people and those people who act like zombies until they have had their first cup of coffee. My sweet boy seems to be destined to lean towards the first more so than myself. I hear his sweet, beautiful sounds over the monitor and the first thing I do is smile...okay that is a lie. The first thing I do is feel for my phone on the night stand to see what time it is. Then I lay there and wager with myself about whether he will go back to sleep, whether he is really awake yet, or whether he is just making noises in his sleep. There is a mixture of results but you can guarantee when I do decide there is no more putting off getting out of my comfy and cozy bed that there is a smiling boy waiting for me to come and get him out of his crib. 

I found a walker I was willing to buy, aka it was not very expensive. As much as my darling little one tries to go everywhere I thought he would love it. He does like it but the missing link between like and love is that he is not quite tall enough. These toys are discriminating against my on the smaller scale boy! Hopefully he will be able to really reach enough to get himself going soon. I say that now, you guys remind me that I said that when I come back here and complain about how he is all over the place!

We have really enjoyed our weekends lately, other than the sad bulldawgs. We recently took in a local fall festival with my sister, nephews, and parents. We donned our fall shirts and enjoyed all kinds of exciting things like: ponies, corn box (yes the better alternative to sand), funnel cake, kettle korn, and more. And yes, that is my baby boy hiking up his pants! : /

Enjoying the corn box.

We also went ahead and donned our Halloween outfit. It says my first Halloween and has the cutest little Frankenstein on the bootie!

Love this little guy so.


  1. I love the craft project, it's adorable! :)

    1. My cousin that keeps him did it with him the other day!

  2. So cute!! Looks like you guys have been having some fun :)
