Friday was a mostly chill day, after I scurried to the Department of Driver Services for the third time since early March! Yes, as crazy as they are about being able to prove your address, they put my address in the system wrong so my permanent license never came. Well, the first time I genuinely thought I might have accidentally thrown it away so I went and got another one. That one never came either! Well, this was when a light bulb finally turned on and I looked at my temporary license to discover that they had my address wrong! ARGH! So hopefully this past Friday will be the last time I have to go for a few years until time to renew again! After I got home Ian and I played. He wanted to play on his mat for a little while, something he actively does now. Cash was quite curious since mommy does not allow Cash on the couch when Ian is up there, he saw his chance to do some investigating. He just sat at Ian's feet and watched for the longest time. Haha.
We also managed to catch an afternoon showing of a production put on by daddy's cousins. Well, we tried to anyhow. A fussy little boy who had not had his long nap yet insisted on mommy missing the first act until she could finally get him to sleep. Friday evening was filled with a screaming baby boy that resulted in mommy making the ultimate decision to switch his formula because he was getting so constipated! It was not a fun evening. In fact it was my first time feeling utterly helpless and frazzled and still just trying to comfort my sweet boy in whatever way I could until he finally filled his diaper. It was down right pitiful and rough on this mommy.
Saturday was our truly jam packed day! Saturday morning started with a blissful twenty minutes of down time watching tv. Ian genuinely looked like he was watching. Then it was time for mommy to shower and Mema swooped in and snatched him up for some loving. I am sure he absolutely hated it! ;) I know it was an absolute burden for her! Hehe. Well after mommy showered, it was time for Ian to get a bath. I had been rubbing his head down with baby oil to loosen up some of his cradle cap. It worked really well, but little man hated it when I had to comb it out. He is still not a bath time fan but he pretty much tolerates it as long as I talk to him the whole time. I constantly reassure him that he is fine and doing such a good job, all the while he has this cute little furrowed brow and frown like he isn't quite sure he believes me! Haha. His favorite part is drying off and getting dressed!
However, even after being dried off and dressed he may not be the most chipper of infants! Saturday, as busy as it was, also marked the big two month mark for my baby boy! Can you tell he was especially thrilled about this? haha. He has not grown a whole lot from his one month picture, since he shot up like a weed then. He had only grown a quarter of an inch when I took him to his two month appointment the other day and gained about a pound a half. He is starting to fill out though, look at those little rolls on his legs!! Anyhow, I had to make sure I got his two month picture done before we truly started our crazy day. Sadly, I didn't get one with my actual camera because due to getting dropped, ahem POP!!, it was out of commission. Oh well. Another reason to be thankful for fancy phones I guess!
I will tell you what though, my kid is extremely talented! He can sleep through just about anything! Our busy Saturday kicked off by attending the annual Marigold Festival Parade. Our dear sweet Pop, aka my dad, was the emcee for this little community event. My sister and nephews made the trip down for the day. At first, it appeared my sweet boy was going to cry through the whole thing when upon arrival- he was not a happy camper! However, it quickly became apparent he just wanted a snuggle and a good place to nap, aka mommy's arms. So I got him to sleep right before the parade actually started. Much to my dismay the parade started with a police car creeping at snail speed blaring sirens! I covered his little ears and gave them the death stare that they should probably speed up at least a little bit!! I looked down to see my little boy with a frown on his face, but still fast asleep. Throughout the rest of the parade filled with music and fire engines, this was my little angel!
Sadly, our busy schedule did not allow us to stay for the festival itself, so mommy did not get one of the funnel cakes that looked simply delish or any of the yummy boiled peanuts! I have to stop, getting hungry! :) The next event on our calendar was Aunt Ashie's graduation which was about an hour and a half away at an enormous church!! We made it about half way when my sleeping angel decided he was WAY too hungry to ride any longer. So an impromptu stop to feed my little one ended up being the best thing. He drank all of his bottle and then zonked out. He usually takes one good long afternoon nap, and he had not yet taken that so when he zonked after eating- he stayed that way! There was hooting and hollering of all kinds going on at this graduation where we had 364 graduates to go through. This did not include the loud music and long speaker. I was so happy that my little one slept through the entire thing. His poor grandparents were chomping at the bit to get at him. I went into mommy mode and insisted he be left alone until after the ceremony for everyone's well being!
He snoozed the ceremony and most of the way back to my father-in-law's house away. It was a big help that his aunts rode with me so they could keep him occupied on that last stretch where he started to remember it was time to eat again and we were not near home yet, since it took almost an hour to get out of the parking lot alone!! Anyhow, we enjoyed an evening with lots of family and friends. That was until baby boy started having trouble with gas! Now I mentioned earlier I had made the decision to switch his formula but sadly had not replaced his diaper bag stash with the better kind so he had two bottles of the kind that was making him constipated at this point. He carried on for about 30 minutes, much less than Friday night before he finally passed gas and relaxed. We took that as our cue to head home! He slept most of the way home and slept great that night after having a bottle of his better formula when we got home! Thank goodness!
Sleeping much better, eating better, and not being constipated makes for one happy little boy!! The changing pad is still the place I get the most smiles out of him. I think it has something to do with looking up at me instead of straight at me. I don't complain though. I know it will make me laugh when I look back years from now and see so many smiling pictures with the blue and white polka dot changing pad in the background. Haha. Sunday was a pretty busy day as well since our Vacation Bible School is quickly approching, we had a big meeting. Ian came and was a champ through that as well. He was awake for most of it but drifted to sleep towards the end. I guess VBS does not excite him just yet! He got passed around a little by anxious church members who had not had a chance to hold him. He took it all like a champ but when we got home it took him a while to get to sleep.
Tuesday morning he had his two month appointment which meant shots! This mommy was dreading it! He screamed like I have never heard him scream before but as soon as she was done and I swooped him up for cuddling, he got quiet. Thank goodness because if he had kept crying like that I would have lost it for sure. The doctor said he looks great and is growing just fine! He is up to 11 lbs 11 oz. He measures 22 3/4 inches. He was pretty much in the 50th percentile across the board this time. I was nervous about having to take him to my cousin, who keeps him, after his shots. She said he did great though and she gave him one more dose of tylenol just in case. He also got a special treat when Mema picked him up that afternoon to meet mommy at work. The ladies at work were thrilled to get to see him again, and then we headed off to my sister's.
Finally, we attended another graduation. Again, Ian slept through it. My oldest nephew is going into kindergarten next year and that is so hard to believe! I still remember holding him when he was born. I still remember his slobbery baby kisses. I still remember when "Emmy" sounded more like "meme." I love this little man so much and am so proud of him! He is such a sweetheart and I am so blessed that my son has such a great big cousin with such a sweet heart. I am still his Emmy and I still get some of the biggest hugs from this five year old! He is so smart and is such a thinker! I know he will do so great in kindergarten next year! It makes me so sad knowing time will fly just as fast with my own son. Emmy loves you buddy and I am so glad I could be there on your special day!
Wow what a wonderful weekend you had! :) Such wonderful pictures. :)