Monday, August 12, 2013


It has been a toilet paper roll by the bed, claritin every 24 hours, raw nose, sore throat, and blah kind of weekend. I think the work day may end a little early for me today because I am exhausted and feel like I just need to rest for a little while to feel better. 

This little booger has caught my sneezes and a little cough but nothing to be overly concerned about. He is not a bad cough, really just a laughing kind of cough so I am hoping as I start to get better so does he. He certainly isn't as bad off as mommy so that is a good thing! Only the occasional sneeze. I love this picture I snapped the other day. He had just woken up from his morning nap and was still in a bit of a haze. :)

He cleared away the cobwebs soon though. This little guy sure knows how to make his mommy smile! He is seriously one of the happiest little guys and I love it! It makes my heart full to see him happy!

The weekend was a bit rough for us. Quite busy and not enough sleep for either of us. Made for long car rides with a fussy guy who was too tired to ride and too aggravated about being tired to sleep for more than ten minutes on said car ride. I know it comes with the territory of long days but it doesn't make it any easier.

Luckily by the next day, we were able to stick to our normal routine and the day was much smoother. Hoping to kick this nasty cold soon so that the days and nights can be even better. Plus, I can't really run right now because I end up feeling like I am going to cough up a lung if I do. Oh the joys of being blah!!

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