Friday, April 26, 2013

Falling asleep...hopefully

So I am sitting here in my glider in my son's nursery with my sweet angel bundled up in my arms. It is currently almost 3 in the morning and he finished off his bottle about 30 minutes ago. If you remember I mentioned that my sweet boy sleeps pretty good at night. In fact, before he woke up for this bottle he had slept four hours and eaten five hours ago. The thing he is not always so great about is going back to sleep. Proven by my current state of patting, cuddling, and trying to avoid eye contact and talking- so as not to stimulate him (so the experts say)! He is just now starting to drift but I figured as long as I am confined to the glider might as well take the time to record these little moments I might not remember so well one day. I am all too aware how fast he is growing. I know the day is fast approaching where cuddling with mom will not only not happen- it will be totally not cool. I know the day will come when I go to kiss him and he resists or wipes it away. I guess I should prepare myself for that heart ache now. In the mean time I think I will stick up on extra cuddles and kisses because there is nothing he can do about it right now! :)

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